Courtesy of NOAA Climate Prediction Center
For those wondering the difference between La Nina and El Nino, here is a illustration of the typical jet stream pattern and areas where precipitation usually falls.
The El Nino phenomenon started not that long ago back in 1997. The reason people also call it "the christ child," because it reaches full strength in December. It is the unusual warming of the tropical Pacific Ocean that typcially occurs every 3-6 years.
La Nina stands for "the little girl," because it normally isn't as strong as El Nino, though after the winter of 2009-2010 some people would beg to differ.
As we recap the events from yesterday across North Dakota:
Minot received 0.50" of snow last night.
Bismarck received 0.90" of snow
That fell well short of the expected 2-4", however, with the ground being warm it is still tough to put together a good forecast for snow amounts.
We now turn our attention to Minnesota. Friday night into Saturday morning, there is a chance for snow to accumulate, on the northwest side of Minneapolis. Rain and snow will move into the area by Friday evening and switch over to snow during the overnight hours. Main accumulations of 1-2" will fall on the grass.
Tune in tomorrow.
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